Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Super Link Party #21

It's that time again! I had so much fun checking out last week's links and pinning them all! I hope you all checked them out too! Thank you everyone who participated!
If you would like to be a guest host, please click the "contact me" tab on the left, to email me!

Don't forget to check out A Crafter's Dream!
We are still looking for shop owners and bloggers to sign up and join in the fun! :-)

Are you ready for this week's features? Remember, if you are featured, your button gets a "Featured Guests" spot in my right sidebar!

"Most Clicked On" Feature:
One Artsy Mama shared her Tips & Tricks to
Grow Your Blog!
More Features:

Natural Living Mama shared the first part in her
Weekly Wellness Series: Breathe.
Preschool Powol Packets shared these fun
Halloween Alphabet Printables!

Thanks for sharing and Don't forget to grab your featured button!

Now on to this week's party!

Welcome to my SUPER link party!

The rules are easy:

  1. I invite you to follow Earning-My-Cape via Google Friend Connect, Bloglovin', Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or RSS, but it isn't required.
  2. Visit my guest host's blog. If I have a guest host this week, please check out their blog and leave a comment. :-)
  3. Grab my Super Link Party button. Put it somewhere on your blog or in a post. I'd love if you would invite others to join the party and link up!
  4. Link up! Link up to 5 projects. Keep it family friendly, please- crafts, DIY, recipes, printables, etc.(Please no stores, giveaways, linkys or hops.) Make sure you link to the page itself, not to your home page. By linking up, you agree to me featuring a photo of your project on my blog.
  5. Click and Comment. Please visit at least 2 other links and leave a comment on their blog. We all love comments, right?

Please come back next week to see my featured picks, and link up some more of your projects.

Don't forget to mingle. This is a party, after all! Make someone's day and leave a nice comment, or two. :-)

Click here to see which super parties I link up to!


  1. Thanks so much for the feature! and thanks for hosting!!

  2. Thanks so much for another great party. I'm off to check out the tips to growing my blog!

  3. We made it to the middle of the week Susie! Whoohoo! Thanks for hosting ♥

  4. Thanks for hosting Susie!! Have a fab day :)

  5. Thanks for hosting, Susie! Have a great evening!

  6. Thanks for the feature! The picture isn't working. Let me know if you want me to send it to you. This week I posted my antibiotic salve and how to peel an onion. Ill post the second water challenge too! Not sure why I left that out of today's linkys... oops.

    1. I think I got the pic working... It shows up for me, now. :-)
      Thanks for linking up!

  7. Love your party! Found you page from Crafters Dream Giveaway. I am now following your blog, twitter, facebook...something else I think!
    Looking forward to seeing what you are up to . I willhave to link up to you!

  8. I stopped by to thank you for playing our Boo game and discovered your linky party. I'm now following you, grabbed your button, and will be here every week.

    Bonny @

  9. So many great things linked up!! So inspiring! Thanks Earning My Cape for hosting!! :D

    Alicia @
    How Charming, Zeeuh!


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Please feel free to leave a comment or share your ideas!