Thursday, October 4, 2012

Crochet Toddler Tutu Dress (free pattern)

My youngest is turning 2!
Actually, by the time you read this post, she will already be 2!
I wanted to crochet something special for her, and I thought a little dress would be cute. The only problem was, I didn't know what kind of dress to make. I tried a couple of ideas and didn't like them, so I unraveled and started over... a few times.
I finally decided that a tutu style dress would be perfect, and I have to admit, I love how it turned out!

If the skirt part of the dress looks familiar, it's because it is based on the Crochet Toddler Skirt I made before. I just made it a bit floofier. (Yes. I just made up a word. If I can make up a crochet pattern, I can make up a word... that's how I roll. hee hee )
So, do you want the pattern?

Click the link below, to go to the pattern.

Toddler Tutu Dress

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  1. Everytime you post clothing that you've crocheted I'm amazed. This is too cute for words!

  2. I am with Erin^ on this one! You make me want to learn how to crochet! I just have to find the time :/ This is beyond precious :)

  3. I have nominated you for an award. Check it out:

    Be blessed,
    Julie @ Hey Mommy, Chocolate Milk

  4. This is adorable! If I can get back in the crocheting swing of things...I might have to make this for my little niece!

  5. This is too cute!! I love it! Thank you so much for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  6. Can you tell me the approx measurements of this dress? It is gorgeous!

    1. Thanks Heather! In length, measuring from the top of the body, NOT including the straps, the dress is 15 inches.
      Around the body is about 18 inches (and it's a bit stretchy), and the length of the body is 8 inches. The length of the skirt is 7 inches.
      I hope this helps you! :-)

  7. Hey there! I absolutely love this little dress and I got started on doing one for my daughter, but I'm having a little trouble: on the 78 rows, when joining, a diagonal row was formed which shows pretty I doing something wrong? (you don't do the first hdc of the row in the same stitch as the two chains, do you?) To get the 78 stitches I had to do the final stitch in the exact spot of the two chains...And then, when I begin multiplying, the two hdcs should be on top of each other? (like this: <<) or slightly to the left? I am not very experienced, as you may see...A scheme or a video would have been wonderful, too bad for this wonderful pattern! Thank you!

    1. Hi!
      Yes, I did do the first hdc in the same stitch as the 2 chains. I found that this made it a tighter join. When I tried it in the next stitch, it left an ugly little gap. :-(
      There will be a seam that shows up, but it shouldn't go too off-center. If it does go slightly diagonal, you could block it before moving on to the skirt part of the dress. (I found this video on blocking on youtube-

      I hope this helps! :-)

    2. Thank you for answering! Luckily I saw the red part with the first hdc in the first stitch right before I moved on to the tutu part, so that one was straight, but the body has a pretty obvious diagonal on the back, I'll try sewing it and maybe it won't show as much. I am finishing the straps today but they seem a little short, is that ok? :S (I have no model to try it on since the little one is arrinving in August and she'll have to grow into this tutu dress :D)

  8. I'm confused, I'm not very experienced. How do you do rounds 2-3? I don't understand how to chain two in each around, unless I'm supposed to slip stitch to each half double crochet of the previous round. Maybe I'm totally lost, any help you can give this novice is appreciated.

    1. Oops! That's a typo on my part! So sorry! I meant to say to ch 2, then hdc in each around.
      I apologize for the confusion!

  9. Thanks so much for clarifying that for me. I have had to reduce the size around in order for this to be small enough for my niece. I tried various size crochet hooks, instead of reducing size to no avail. So I reduced the beginning chain by 10, I assume that as I increase for the skirt that I should make the same percentage reduction in the skirt. Again, this is my first time doing a fitted project in many years, and I'm like a beginner. Any help and encouragement you can give is appreciated. Thanks so much for posting this beautiful dress! I plan to make a little hat to go with it and I'll be putting a matching flower on both the dress and hat. I can't wait to see her in it! I hope to send you a picture of the finished project.

    1. Ooh! I can't wait to see the finished product!! If you get "stuck" on anything, drop me an email ("contact me" tab to the left) and I will do the best I can. :-)

    2. The dress is almost finished, I plan to make a hat to go with it. Is it possible to post a picture on here? If so, can you tell me how to do it? I would love to post a pic of my great niece in the dress!

    3. Yay! I'd love to post a pic! You can click the Contact Me button on the left, and email me a pic, and anything you'd like to say about it (an intro, of sorts) and I will be happy to post it! :-)

  10. I am making this in white for a friends baby and since the girls room is themed jungle I am putting zebra print ribbon at the waste and making the bow out of that. I may do the straps out of the same. :)

  11. Love this pattern. How do I increase this for a 5T-6T, I'm making this for my granddaughter.

    1. Hi Shelly.
      I would suggest that you take measurements of your granddaughter, then increase the initial chain to fit around her chest measurement. Remember that it will be a bit stretchy and a little forgiving, so that will help. After you increase your stitches, you can increase rows to fit the length.
      I hope this helps! It may take a little trial and error with the first 2 rows, but I think it should be smooth sailing after that. :-)

  12. What size is this supposed to be for please?


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