Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Homemade "Cake Mix" Cookies

You know those yummy, soft, cake mix cookie recipes floating around the internet?
The ones that call for boxed cake mix and oil and eggs?
The ones that turn out soft and cakey-like, yet cookie-ish?
The super- easy ones?
Yeah, those!

Well, I wanted to make some one day, but I didn't have cake mix.
I could have easily just whipped up a regular ol' batch of yummy chocolate chip cookies, but, I really wanted the cake mix kind.

Here's what I came up with. (They were pretty darned yummy!)

Homemade “Cake Mix” Cookies

What You Need:
1 cup flour
¾ cup sugar
3 TB dry milk powder
1 ½ tsp. baking powder
¼ tsp. salt
1 egg
 ¼ cup vegetable oil
½ tsp. vanilla extract
1/3 cup chocolate chips

What You Do:
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Mix flour, sugar, dry milk, baking powder, and salt in a medium sized bowl.
3. In a small bowl, combine egg, oil and vanilla until well mixed.
4. Add egg mixture to the dry ingredients, and stir until the mixture is no longer dry. It will still appear somewhat crumbly.
5. Stir in chocolate chips.
6. Press mixture into a ball or tube to make it easier to work with.
7. Form 1 to 1 ½  inch balls and place on cookie sheets. You may flatten them slightly, if you wish.
8. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 7-8 minutes. Do not overcook.
9. Cool for 1 minute on cookie sheets before removing. Cool completely.
10. Try to share. ;-)



  1. Yum, this is my kind of recipe! Those cake mix cookies do look yummy, but I make basically everything homemade and I'd never hear the end of it from my family if I bought a mix. Homemade mix - I like it!

    1. LOL! I have a few more cookie recipes I need to post... Last week, I came up with a really yummy soft cookie. I need to write that post up! I think that's what I like about making homemade cookies... so many ways to change them up and so easy to make up a new recipe. :-)

  2. These look good! I have been recently trying to make my own mixes for various things. Will be giving these a try with the kids soon.

  3. Susie- saw your post on Foodie Friends Friday... I LOVE cake mix cookies- they turn out perfect and are so super easy. I like this recipe! Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks so much, Beth! I hope you have a great weekend, too! :-)

  4. Thanks for bringing these to Foodie Friends Friday Susie! I have never had cake mix cookies, but I think I may need to try them now!!

  5. Those sound delicious!! Thank you so much for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  6. Thanks for posting! I was looking for a recipe for these but want to make a chocolate version. Any idea how much cocoa I would need?

    1. If I were to try a chocolate version, I would probably go with 1/3 cup cocoa powder. :-)


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