Monday, November 26, 2012

Rice Cooker Oatmeal

You read that right!
Rice. Cooker. Oatmeal.
I just had to try it!
I figured that when rice cooks, it absorbs the liquid around it. Oats work the same way, so why not?
Well, it WORKED!
 And you want to know the best part? It's easy!!!
Wanna know another awesome thing about it?

You can throw everything in the rice cooker, then go shower, get dressed, wake the kids up and do whatever else it is that you do in the morning, and when you are ready to make breakfast... it's done!!!
A nice hot, hearty meal on a cold morning... finished.

Rice Cooker Oatmeal
What You Need:
2 cups whole oats (I haven't tried quick)
2 cups water
2 cups milk
a dash of salt
toppings of your choice

What You Do:

  1. Put the oats, water, milk, & salt in the rice cooker. 
  2. Plug in rice cooker, put the lid on, and turn the rice cooker to cook.
  3. When the rice cooker indicates it is finished, serve!
  4. Top oatmeal with your favorite toppings. I like brown sugar, cinnamon, and a little dollop of Smart Balance Buttery Spread. Sometimes I add walnuts and raisins, too.
It takes about 25 minutes to complete the cook cycle.
Not really necessary, but if you really want to, you can give it a little stir after 15 minutes.

You want to try it now, don't you?

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  1. I was just talking to my mom about making oatmeal in a crockpot this morning. Funny that I would then stumble across this recipe! Thanks. I'm excited to try it.

    1. LOL... Great minds, right? haha
      I have made this a few more times, and I love it! Kind of like a "set it & forget it". It's nice to be able to do other things while breakfast is cooking. :-)

  2. What a great idea!! Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday!

  3. Nice! I had no idea you could make oatmeal with a rice cooker. I guess you learn something new everyday! Haha :)

    Thanks for linking up this post to Sweet Saturday as well :)

    1. LOL! Me neither!! hahaha
      It just hit me, so I decided to give it a try. I was so happy that it actually worked, and HAD to share! :-)

  4. Is there anything a slow cooker can't do??? Looks yummy! Thanks for sharing at Sweet Saturday :)

  5. Brilliant! Thanks so much for linking up this week to Share It Saturday! :)


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