Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Black Bean and Salsa Soup

Quite a while ago, one of my best cooking friends, Linda, turned me on to this really awesome recipe for a black bean soup.
It is so yummy, and after all of the cooking that many of you did this past week, I thought now would be a great time to share this super quick and easy recipe!

The original recipe can be found on Allrecipes.com HERE.
I usually stick pretty close to the recipe, but I do modify it just a bit, to my family's taste.
Here are my slight modifications:

Black Bean and Salsa Soup
(serves 4)
What You Need:

2 (15 ounce) cans black beans, drained OR 2 cans refried black beans (I have also used regular refried beans, and it was very good!)
1 1/2 cups chicken broth
1 cup chunky salsa (I like Pace. Picante sauce is good too.)
1 teaspoon ground cumin

Shredded cheese (cheddar, monterey, or colby is good)
Tortilla chips

What You Do:

  1. Put the beans, broth, salsa, and cumin in a medium saucepan.
  2. Use a stick blender to pulverize it until all of the ingredients are smooth. (You can also use a blender or food processor, but a stick blender is waaay easier and faster to clean.)
  3. Heat the soup on medium, until thoroughly heated.
  4. Top with cheese and serve with tortilla chips.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for sharing this recipe with us at Foodie Friends Friday.


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