Thursday, October 11, 2012

One Lovely Blog Award!

Lookie! Lookie!!! I just received the One Lovely Blog Award!!!
A great big thank you goes to Julie at Hey Mommy, Chocolate Milk
for nominating me! This is such an honor!
If you haven't already, I encourage you to check out Julie's blog! 
She shares some really fun and educational projects that she does with her son.
If you have little ones, you don't want to miss out!

Back to the Award...
Here's how it works:

Rules to follow:
*Include the blog award in your post (check)
*Thank the person who nominated you (check)
*Nominate 5 people and let them know you have done so
*Tell 7 random things about yourself

My nominees are........
(Seriously?... Only 5? This is gonna be difficult!)

Tutus & Tea Parties (Because Lauren is awesome! I love her blog and                                                      she taught me the term "blog stalking", which made me laugh, because I was already blog stalking her!)

Worst Mom Ever (Because Patricia is really one of the best moms ever, and I love reading her blog!)

The Nerdy Farm Wife (Because Jan is the coolest "nerd" there is! When I grow up, I want to be like her... yes... I know I am older than she is... but still!)

Simply Real Moms (Because Jasmine, Erin, and Marcie work so hard to share awesome advice and ideas for moms everywhere!)

My Merry Messy Life  (Because Sara shares some awesome green living tips and beautiful crochet patterns, among other things!

Now for 7 random things about myself....

  1. I love football... particularly the 49ers. During football season, I will plan my Sundays around watching the games! 
  2. I have a slight cookie obsession. I love to bake them as much as I love to eat them.
  3. I haven't pumped gas in over 22 years. My husband always makes the trip to the gas station. 
  4. I have a fascination for old trucks, and I aspire to buy one and learn to fix it up myself.
  5. I like a lot of different kinds of music (not rap or hip hop... I said music. lol) I particularly love The Traveling Wilburys!
  6. I have some "Mama Bear" in me. I just don't play well with those who don't treat my kids right.
  7. I am really, really good at procrastinating. There have been a few Christmases when we didn't do our shopping until a few days before!
Click here to see which super parties I link up to!


  1. Ha, thanks Susie! I always think of you as being younger than me! :) (I'll be 39 in December - eek!) Procrastinating Mama Bears with good musical taste are the best kinds of people to know! :)

  2. Thanks Susie, you're so sweet! I often procrastinate while making cookies myself.


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