Friday, October 12, 2012

Busy Week!

It's been a busy week in our household this week!
I sure wish I had a cape and the superpower to slow down time!

I think I will just post a little update or newsletter of sorts today.

A Crafter's Dream Christmas Giveaway
Our HUGE giveaway event, A Crafter's Dream, is on its way soon! I am sooo excited! Are you? If you want to join in, there is still time! We are taking both blogger and shop owner sign ups! Visit my post for more info, and join  A Crafter's Dream Giveaway Group, on Facebook, to stay in the loop!
Be on the lookout next week! I can't wait to introduce you to my super-awesome sponsors!!!

Searching For Super-Mom
Obviously my Friday Super-Mom post isn't up today. I have a few busy moms who are working on their questions in the spare minutes they can get, so this feature will return very soon.
If YOU are interested in being in the spotlight, please feel free to email me. You can click the "contact me" tab on the left for easy email.
Bloggy Girls Club
If you haven't already checked out the Bloggy Girls Club on Facebook, I encourage you to do so! We have a group of amazing ladies who are fun, smart, and helpful!

Super Link Party
You all are awesome! I was unexpectedly away from my computer for a couple of days, but I had my party scheduled to post. You all showed up and linked your latest! Because I am short on time this week, I probably won't be able to comment on or pin all of them this week. I do promise to visit each link, though! And I will really, really try to get them all pinned! I appreciate your understanding!
Also, if you would like to guest host my Super Link Party for a week, please contact me! 

So, that's what I have going on. I also have some ideas and plans to add to my blog. I've been thinking of including a travel category. My husband has to travel for work a lot, and many of those times, our entire family packs up and joins him. I will share with you my tips on traveling with kids while homeschooling, blogging, and keeping up with my crochet projects!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Click here to see which super parties I link up to!

1 comment:

  1. Yea I've been pretty busy too!!! Working hard in my MBA program.. I'm also helping a lot in the community and becoming part of some awesome movements!!!


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