Friday, July 6, 2012

A Crafter's Dream: Join Our Group Giveaway

I'm so excited to bring you, along with My Merry Messy Life and Little Becky Homecky, A Crafter's Dream - a group giveaway opportunity with a crafting theme! It will run from August 24 to September 1, 2012 and bloggers are welcome to sign up to join in the celebration. 

Here is how it will work:
  • Each blogger will run their own unique giveaway on their own site using Rafflecopter as the entry form. Please set your Rafflecopter to start at 12 am August 24 and end 12 pm September 1. You have total control over what you would like to give away (as long as it ties in with our craft theme) and to whom (country). 
  • Please announce that you have joined on Twitter using this hashtag - #ACraftersDream 
  • Facebook Group - (this is optional) find our group, A Crafter's Dream Giveaway Group, on Facebook and request to join (you must be using Facebook as your actual name and not through your blog page for it to work)
  • Please write a post announcing you have joined the giveaway, and have this text somewhere in your post "Welcome to A Crafter's Dream Group Giveaway, hosted by My Merry Messy Life, Little Becky Homecky, and Earning My Cape. Each blogger is offering her/his own giveaway worth $25 or more and after you enter this giveaway, scroll to the bottom of this post and enter more!"
  • Grab the giveaway button and put it in a prominent place to promote it on your site! The more bloggers who sign up, the more entries we ALL get!
  • Please fill out this form to get started.



  1. Sounds pretty cool. I'll have to see if I can get something set as a prize. :)

    1. That would be great, Lauren! I had planned on contacting you to see if you wanted to join in, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. It's been such a busy week!

  2. I would love to join in! I think I will be applying tonight. :) Thanks for this opportunity!

    1. That would be great! I just fixed the link to the form, so all should be up and running! :-)

  3. On my way to Twitter and Facebook now... thanks for the invite!


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