Friday, March 23, 2012

Cornbread Waffle With Chorizo and an Egg

I mentioned here that I had planed to try the waffled cornbread with chorizo and an egg... well, I did it!
First I tried the batter topped with chorizo and some cheese... it didn't work too well.
So then I did it like this:

What You Need:

waffle maker
a box of cornbread mix (or your own cornbread mix) + ingredients to mix it up.
pork chorizo
shredded cheese
bacon grease (or grease of your choice for the waffle maker)

What You Do:

  1. Dice the onion and cook it for a couple of minutes (in a frying pan on med- med-hi heat... bla, bla, bla), until it starts to get tender. 
  2. Add the chorizo and cook thoroughly.
  3. While the chorizo is cooking (and you are occasionally stirring it around so that it doesn't stick/burn), heat your waffle maker and mix your cornbread according to the package directions.
  4. Grease up your waffle iron and waffle some cornbread with cheese on top. (look here for instructions)
  5. Move the waffle to a plate, top with the chorizo, fry up an egg the way you like it, and put it on top.
  6. Enjoy!



  1. This looks good- I love the combination of flavors- cornbread and egg and sausage. I can taste it now!

  2. I really liked the flavor combo! Let me know if you try it, K?


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