Hello, and welcome.
I would like to inform you that I AM MOVING.
...well, sort of. I have started a new blog, Oui Crochet, that focuses just on crochet, crochet patterns, and crochet resources. I am in the process of building it up as a one stop shop for all things crochet, and I am very excited about it. I hope you will come over and check out my progress. :)
I will be moving my patterns from this site, to my new site. My idea is to leave this site active, so that you can still access other aspects of this site. I will also leave a modified "introduction" post where each pattern is on this site, as to keep all links active and make it so that you can easily locate the pattern's new home. As an added bonus, you will also find new printable/downloadable versions of my patterns.
I apologize for any inconvenience, but I assure you, this change is a positive one. I look forward to seeing you at Oui Crochet.
Happy Crocheting!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Super Link Party #30

Party Time!!!
Whoo hoo!!! Last week's party was AWESOME! Thank you everyone who participated!
I'd like to introduce you to a special guest host for this week's party!
Thaleia from- Something2Offer 
She has an awesome blog, full of fun, homeschooling, frugal finds, and much more! Please pop by her blog and introduce yourself! 
You can follow Thaleia on:

If you would like to be a guest host, please click the "contact me" tab on the left, to email me!
Are you ready for this week's features? Here's what you get if you are featured:
  1. Your button gets a "Featured Guests" spot in my right sidebar! 
  2. Your post gets pinned to my Super Link Party Features board on Pinterest!
  3. Your post gets tweeted as a Feature! (Follow me here)
  4. Your post gets shared as a feature on Facebook! (Like my page here.)
"Most Clicked On" Feature:

Little Wonders Days shared this super fun Letters To Santa Party
 More Features:
  1. Gift Of Curiosity shared this fun Christmas Printable Pack For Tots and Preschoolers. 
  2. Like Mama~Like Daughter shared a cute little sweater vest in Crafting Along With a Needle And Thread.
  3. The Nerdy Farm Wife shares this super yummy looking Maple Divinity Candy.
  4. Amy's Cooking Adventures shared a super yummy looking recipe too! Check out her Mocha Almond Biscotti.
  5. My Merry Messy Life shared this beautiful Crochet Granny Infinity Scarf and Cowl. Isn't the color pretty?

Thanks for sharing and Don't forget to grab your featured button!

Now on to this week's party!

Please come back next week to see my featured picks, and link up some more of your projects.

Don't forget to pin! :-)

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Don't forget to mingle. This is a party, after all! Make someone's day and leave a nice comment, or two. :-)

Click here to see which super parties I link up to!


  1. Thank you so much for the feature & for hosting each week! Fabulous party, as usual!

  2. Thanks for hosting! I've been away from the blog world for a while, but I *think* I followed all of the rules to your party, but if not, please let me know :)

  3. Thanks for featuring our Santa Letter Writing Party and putting my button on your blog, what a nice surprise. I love your features. Have a great week!


I love getting feedback from my readers!
Please feel free to leave a comment or share your ideas!


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