Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Super Link Party #31

Who is ready for another link party?
Yay! Last week's party was AWESOME! Thank you everyone who participated!
I'd like you to meet my special guest host for this week's party!
Lauren from Tutus & Tea Parties!
She has one of the most fun blogs ever! Please stop by, say hi, and check out the features she chose!You can keep up with Lauren through her social media links, so that you never miss a thing:

If you would like to be a guest host, please click the "contact me" tab on the left, to email me!
Are you ready for this week's features? Here's what you get if you are featured:
  1. Your button gets a "Featured Guests" spot in my right sidebar! 
  2. Your post gets pinned to my Super Link Party Features board on Pinterest!
  3. Your post gets tweeted as a Feature! (Follow me here)
  4. Your post gets shared as a feature on Facebook! (Like my page here.)
"Most Clicked On" Feature:
One Creative Mommy shared this yummy
Gluten Free Chocolate Peppermint Trifle.
  More Features:
  1. Hey Mommy, Chocolate Milk shared this adorable My First Nativity.
  2. The Philosopher's Wife shared some beautiful Crochet Snowflakes.
  3. Feeding Big shared this yummy Chocolate Mint Candy.
  4. Preschool Powol Packets shared this awesome Science Experiment: Bend Your Candy Cane.
  5. The Usual Mayhem shared some fun, Free Christmas Site Word Writing Pages.
Don't forget to visit Tutus & Tea Parties to see who Lauren chose as her features!
Thanks for sharing and Don't forget to grab your featured button!

Now on to this week's party!

Please come back next week to see my featured picks, and link up some more of your projects.

Don't forget to mingle. This is a party, after all! Make someone's day and leave a nice comment, or two. :-)



  1. Thanks for hosting, Susie! Sorry, I accidentally linked 6 posts :-) Hope you have a great week !

  2. I am happy to be linking here this week, thanks so much for this wonderful party. Happy Wednesday!{Hugs}

  3. Thanks so much for hosting such a fun party! Hope you have a great week!

  4. thank you for hosting :) I love your "superhero" theme!

  5. Hi Lauren! I have grabbed your button for my party page, am following via GFC, G+, Facebook, Pinterest, & Twitter. I am new to the party and linked up! Thanks for hosting!

  6. Thanks for hosting another great party! :) I'm pretty excited to be linking up my Princess Super Hero cape, seems pretty apt! :)

  7. Thanks so much for featuring our nativity!
    Merry Christmas!

  8. Thank you for having us bloggy people over for another fun-filled and creatively inspiring party, Susie! Hope you have a terrific week!

    Hugs x

  9. Thanks so much for featuring my sight word pages, Susie! I love this link up!


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Please feel free to leave a comment or share your ideas!