Monday, December 17, 2012

Auction to Benefit families and victims of the Connecticut Sandy Hook Shooting

No doubt you've heard the heartbreaking news of the Sandy Hook school shooting.
I am still struggling to to wrap my head around how someone could even think of executing such a horrific deed. My only conclusion is- Evil. Evil ripped those precious lives from their loved ones and from this earth. Evil inflicted this pain on their families and community and all of us. But, you know what? Evil didn't win. 
Those beautiful souls are not dead, but transformed. They are with God, and God is great. They are Angels in Heaven and they are looking upon their loved ones. They are forever in the hearts of their families and friends. They live on, just in a different way. 
May God comfort their loved ones, here on Earth, as he is surely comforting those that they lost.

We all are deeply saddened by the horrific event that took place, and many want to do something to help. 
Saturday, I saw a shared message on Facebook. It was asking for donations to an auction to benefit the families and victims of the shootings. The fundraiser is put on by the publishing community. While I am not really a member of the publishing community, I wanted to do what I can to help. You can go to Publishing Hearts Connecticut to view this auction. I have donated 2 months of large ad space to be auctioned off. The starting bid is only $10. You can bid HERE
Proceeds of this auction will go to Newtown Youth and Family Services.
Publishing Hearts Connecticut is still taking donations for the auction. If you would like to donate, please fill out this form.

You can view the many items/services up for auction on their blog and bid in $5 increments. Please view the items/services here, then click on whatever you are interested in and leave a comment on the specific post to bid.
Please help spread the word.
Thank you.

I also want to send out a special thank you to Publishing Hearts Connecticut, for setting up and running this auction. So much work goes on behind the scenes of an event like this, and they have acted so quickly in setting it up.

Click here to see which super parties I link up to!

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