Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Super Link Party #26

Who is ready to party???
It's that time again! I had so much fun checking out last week's links! I hope you all checked them out too! Thank you everyone who participated!

I hope you like my party's new changes! I'd like to change it up just a little more, though. Because Pinterest is HUGE, and we all love the exposure (that's why we are here, right?), I ask that you pin at least one or two other links for every link you submit. I think adding this rule will make this Super Link Party even more SUPER!

If you would like to be a guest host, please click the "contact me" tab on the left, to email me!
Are you ready for this week's features? Here's what you get if you are featured:
  1. Your button gets a "Featured Guests" spot in my right sidebar! 
  2. Your post gets pinned to my Super Link Party Features board on Pinterest!
  3. Your post gets tweeted as a Feature! (Follow me here)
  4. Your post gets shared as a feature on Facebook! (Like my page here.)
"Most Clicked On" Feature:
My Life in Namibia shared these beautiful Crochet Bowls!
I am going to have to make some of these!
 More Features:
  1. Who Needs a Cape shared some yummy-looking Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies!
  2. Hey Mommy, Chocolate Milk shared Yarn Germs! What a great way to teach kids about germs!
  3. Mellywood's Mansion shared Oreo Truffle Snowmen in her Let it Snow post!
  4. Learners in Bloom shared these fun Homemade Tangram Puzzle Cards
  5. Being Inspired shared a nice way to keep warm this winter with this Hot Water Bottle Heat Pack Tutorial.

Thanks for sharing and Don't forget to grab your featured button!

Now on to this week's party!

Welcome to my SUPER link party!

The rules are easy:

  1. I invite you to follow Earning-My-Cape via Google Friend Connect, Bloglovin', Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or RSS, but it isn't required. Also, If I have a guest host this week, please check out their blog and leave a comment. :-)
  2. Please grab my Super Link Party button. Put it somewhere on your blog or in a post. I'd love if you would invite others to join the party and link up!
  3. Link up! Link up to 5 projects. Keep it family friendly, please- crafts, DIY, recipes, printables, etc.(Please no stores, giveaways, linkys or hops.) Make sure you link to the page itself, not to your home page. By linking up, you agree to me featuring a photo of your project on my blog.
  4. Click and Pin. Please visit at least 1 or 2 other links for every link you submit, and pin their post on Pinterest. You can also leave a comment on their blog. We all love comments, right? 
  5. Please, please do not link and run. That makes me sad. 

Please come back next week to see my featured picks, and link up some more of your projects.

Don't forget to mingle. This is a party, after all! Make someone's day and leave a nice comment, or two. :-)

Click here to see which super parties I link up to!


  1. Thanks so much for hosting your party! I feel honoured that I've got most clicks.

    Wishing you a wonderful day!

  2. Thanks so much for featuring my little hot water bottle heat packs!! :) And for hosting this super party! Have a great week!

  3. I always enjoy stopping by your blog. Thank you so much for hosting again... :)

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    hugs x

  4. Thanks for hosting, Susie! Just linked up!


I love getting feedback from my readers!
Please feel free to leave a comment or share your ideas!