Saturday, November 3, 2012

Make Your Own Cream of Whatever Soup

***This is an old post moved here from my old blog.*** 

    Hi! I have a special Make-it-Yourself Monday post today. My friend Evin has an AWESOME blog, Food Good, Laundry Bad. Seriously, check it out. She is smart and funny and an amazing cook! She was nice enough to share one of her recipes with us here for Make-it-Yourself Monday.
Thank you, Evin!

Make it Yourself Monday - Cream of Whatever Soup

We all have those recipes that call for condensed Cream of Mushroom Soup - or celery or chicken or whatever. I call it COW Soup. Cream of Whatever. Those recipes are pretty traditional, and usually pretty easy and always good.

Those cans of soup, however? They're just gross. Full of sodium and chemicals, and who knows what is in the cans themselves! Not to mention pricey! Even with a coupon, the name brand soups can get up there. Here is a quick and easy way to make COW soup at home, with ingredients that you can trust, for just pennies.

2 tbsp butter
1/2 cup whatever*
2 tbsp flour
1/2 cup broth (vegetable or chicken - water works too)
1/4 cup cream
salt and pepper to taste

Melt the butter in a medium sized skillet over medium heat. Add your diced ingredients, and cook about 2-3 minutes. Sprinkle the flour over the butter and cook, stirring constantly, until LIGHTLY brown. Add the broth and whisk vigorously. It will begin to bubble and thicken. Turn the heat up to medium high and bring the mixture to a fast simmer, whisking or stirring constantly. Add the cream and continue to whisk. When the mixture coats the back of a spoon, you're done! Season with salt and pepper and continue on with your casserole.

*Some ideas for "whatever" are: diced mushrooms, minced garlic (you would only need a few teaspoons for that), cooked and diced chicken, turkey, or ham, celery, asparagus, broccoli - anything that suits your taste - and any combination! Our favorite is garlic and chicken.

Thanks for letting me guest post! This was a lot of fun... I can't wait to see more Make it Yourself Monday posts!


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