Thursday, November 29, 2012

Interrupted Star Stitch Scarf

So... apparently I lack creativity today. I wanted to think up a cool name for this scarf, because I really like how it turned out.
Unfortunately, my thought process went something like this:
It's a scarf...
I used a star stitch...
The star stitch rows are interrupted by net stitch rows.
Interrupted Star Stitch?
Hee hee... that reminds me of the Cheeze-it commercial with the interrupting cheese joke.

Wait... what was I doing? Oh yeah... the name of the scarf...
I guess Interrupted Star Stitch will work ok.

So... ummmm... yeah. I'll just show you the scarf.

 Wanna know how to make it?

Click the link below, for the pattern
Interrupted Star Stitch Scarf

Click here to see which super parties I link up to!


  1. Thanks so much for stopping by! I'll go check out your blog in a few. :-)

  2. Lovely scarf! I tried my hand at crochet a couple of times but was too impatient to get good at it. I am always impressed when someone can create a work of art like this! Great job :)

    Thanks for sharing on Sweet Saturday (I was the co-host this week).


    1. Thanks, Tammy! I was very impatient at first, too. After trudging through the learning process (for about a week), I found it was much easier than I thought! Give it a try when (if) you get a little extra time. Once you get the basics down, learning new stitches is fun and easier. :-)

  3. Hi there! I stopped by through the Tutus and Tea parties Pinterest Linky. I pinned your post on my Knitting and Crochet board. Here's the link I'd like to be pinned :
    Thank you from Paris ;)
    Bisous, Sparkle

  4. It's gorgeous! Thanks for sharing at Sweet Saturday :) Sorry I haven't been by your Super Link Party lately, but I promise to link-up this week!!!

    1. Thanks Jessica!
      And that's ok.. I know how it is! I get so busy sometimes that I can't get to all of the parties that I like to go to, too.
      I look forwarding to seeing you at my next party! :-)

  5. Tis is so pretty! I wish I knew how to crochet! Thanks so much for linking up to my first Share It Saturday. I hope you will make it back this week. :)

    1. Thank you!
      I've had a hard time making it to all of the parties that I want to lately. Hopefully I'll be more on track after the holidays. :-)

  6. Wow thanks you for sharing this pattern,I have just taught myself to crochet and love tryng new ideas. I have posted some of my scarves on the link below.there is a free knit scarf pattern with no copyright issues since it is my design


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