Thursday, November 1, 2012

I See Faces, Fun

Do you see faces in things?
Yesterday, when I toasted an English Muffin for breakfast, I spread some Smart Balance on it, and I swear it made a smiley face as the spread melted. haha!

Later, I was eating chips.
I saw this:

 Do you see it?
My oldest son didn't.
He laughed at me.

It's totally there.
See? ----------------------------------------------->

The younger kids gtot a kick out of it.
We decided to turn it into a little game.
They went around, searching for objects that they could see a face it!                                                                                                  

It was a lot of fun, and the kids were very creative in where they saw the faces. Tool Boxes, a lamp, a faucet, and power outlets were some of the objects they came up with!

Take a look around with your kids. See how many faces they can find. There is sure to be a lot of giggling involved!

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  1. Replies
    1. YES!!! Our truck has one! lol The kids pointed it out a couple of years ago, and I haven't been able to look at it the same, since. haha!


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