Monday, October 15, 2012

Snickerdoodle Cookies

You may have noticed that I am on a cookie kick lately.
What can I say... I LOVE cookies. My kids LOVE cookies. My husband LOVES cookies. I LOVE baking cookies.
So you know how fall and baking kind of go hand in hand?
Yeah... you might see a few cookie recipes here in the following weeks.
I already shared my family's favorite Chocolate Chip Cookies with you earlier this week.
Here is our favorite sugar cookie variety... SNICKERDOODLES!

They are yummy, chewy, and super easy to make!

Snickerdoodle Cookies

What You Need:
1 1/4 cup white sugar
1 cup butter, softened (not melted)
3 egg yolks
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt

a couple tablespoons of sugar and
a couple teaspoons of ground cinnamon for rolling.

What You Do:
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. In a large bowl, beat sugar and butter until creamy.
  3. Beat in egg yolks, one at a time.
  4. Beat in vanilla.
  5. In a smaller bowl, mix flour baking powder, baking soda, and salt. 
  6. Stir the flour mixture into the sugar mixture.
  7. Chill dough, if necessary.
  8. Combine the additional sugar and the cinnamon in a shallow bowl. 
  9. Form the dough into 1 inch balls and roll in the cinnamon/sugar mixture. Place on cookie sheets 2 inches apart.
  10. Bake in preheated oven for 7-9 minutes, or until the edges are set and the center is puffed and slightly wet looking.
  11. Remove and cool completely so that the centers can finish cooking.
  12. Store tightly covered.
If you aren't too fond of cinnamon, you can just skip it, and roll the cookies in plain sugar, for sugar cookies.


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  1. These look DELICIOUS! Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday. Please come back and VOTE on Sunday!

  2. I'm on the hunt for the perfect snickerdoodle! :D Def will give these a try! Found you at Create and Inspire Linky :) Now a new follower with GFC, but I'll go check your other social media out too so I don't miss anything.

    Have a great weekend!
    Erika @ Southern Belle as an Army Wife

  3. OMG I am obsessed with snickerdoodle cookies!! My mouth is watering! Thank you for sharing these, I found your link over at Pam's Party Planning link party. I am a new follower of yours. Would love if you would come over and follow me as well!



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