Saturday, October 27, 2012

My Adventure With Marshmallow Fondant

***This is an old post moved here from my old blog.*** 

    I have always wanted to try my hand at decorating a cake with fondant. In fact, a few years ago, I bought some ready-made from the cake decorating isle and planned to use it for my daughter's birthday cake. I went online for some ideas and tips, then I started reading about the taste of this store-bought fondant. That worried me. I went to the kitchen, tore open the package, and pinched off a bit and tasted it. YUCK! It had a fake chemical taste to it.  I was NOT going to use that on my daughter's cake. I threw it in the garbage and made a traditional butter cream frosting instead. I put my fondant aspirations on hold.

    A couple of months ago, I was reading about a marshmallow fondant recipe on Click here for the recipe. It didn't look too hard to make... and since it basically had vanilla, marshmallows, powdered sugar, and butter, it had to taste good, right? I decided to give it a shot for my youngest daughter's first birthday "smash cake".

    The marshmallow fondant was so easy to make! Sure, it was sticky for a while, but it was EASY! Did it taste good? YES! It was really sweet, but it was really good!
Sticky mixing!
Buttering up your hands for kneading is a MUST!

A nice ball of fondant! :-)   
Yup... the right tools sure would have helped!     

    I admit that I need a LOT more practice, and I am sure that the proper fondant tools would have helped. (AKA, buy a fondant roller instead of washing a can of diet Coke, greasing it up, and using  that as a rolling pin... Yes... I did it... I'd like to think of it as ingenuity... I really would....) But, it was fun! It was so easy to make, that I will definitely be playing with making something with fondant again!

    Besides, my daughter liked it, and that's what counts!



  1. I have always wanted to make Marshmallow fondant....just haven't yet. The fondant I get at a local cake supply taste pretty good..

    1. Thanks for stopping by & for being part of Bloggy Girls Club! :-)
      I loved working with the marshmallow fondant! I need more practice, but it was fun! :-)


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