Thursday, September 27, 2012

How to Use a Cereal Box to Help You Buy Shoes for Your Kids

You read that right.
A cereal box.
It's easy, really.

Sometimes I find a good deal on some cute shoes, but I don't know if they will fit one of my kids. Instead of guessing and facing the possibility of a return, I've come up with a more simple solution.
A cereal box.

It's easy.
Just tear open an empty cereal box and convince your child that standing on it will be fun!
Then, pin their little foot down with one hand and trace it onto the box with the other hand.
Even though it makes it a little more difficult, be sure your child is standing and their weight is evenly distributed. This gives you a more accurate measurement.

 It will look something like this (because even though you pinned the little foot down, toddlers have a way of making things difficult so that it doesn't turn out as pretty Mama wanted it to for her blog).

Grab some scissors and cut it out.

See. Nice fit.

Now, simply slip the "foot" into your purse and take it shopping with you.
If you have more than one child, it's a good idea to write their names on their foot cut-out.

Now, if you see a great deal on some cute shoes, you can simply pull out your cut-out and see if the shoe is a fit!



  1. Wow, great idea!!

  2. This is one GREAT idea!

    Julie @ Hey Mommy, Chocolate Milk

  3. With 5 kids, this is a great idea. Really cuts down on the chaos in the shoe store!

    1. Yes!!! long as we remember to label the right name on the right cut-out! ;-)

  4. This is a really good idea. You are too crafty! And here I've been eye-balling shoe sizes without such simple assistance. Thanks for linking up!

    1. Thanks!
      If I could only remember my own tip! I forgot to slip my toddler's "foot" into my bag. I found a great deal on some sandals last night, and didn't have it... I had to eyeball it! :P

  5. What a great idea! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!


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