Monday, September 17, 2012

Gilded Fans Crochet Cuff Bracelet

I really enjoy crocheting jewelry. I like that I can start a project and be completely finished with it an couple hours later. This is particularly when I've been working on a larger project that takes weeks to finish!
I was looking through my pattern/stitch folder... just a simple pocket folder where I stuff file patterns or stitch tutorials that I print out or tear from the free project thingy hanging on yarn racks. I was hoping to be inspired for a quick project... it worked.

I've had the Gilded Fans stitch tutorial printed out and waiting for me to figure out how I was going to use it, for quite some time. Then it hit me! I could make an elegant cuff bracelet! I ended up having to adapt the stitch just slightly, so that it would work with this project. Once I tried a couple of things, and got it figured out, it was smooth sailing from there.  I really like how it turned out, too!

Here's how to make it:

Gilded Fans Crochet Cuff Bracelet 
What You Need:
size 7 crochet hook
size 10 crochet thread
2 very small buttons

What You Do:
Ch 19
Row 1: Sc in second ch from hook and in each across. Turn. (18)
Rows 2-4: Ch 1, 1 sc in each sc across. Turn.(18)
***Please See Corrections- made 11/12/12***
I apologize for any frustrations and inconveniences that my "oops!" has caused!

Row 5: Ch 3, 1 dc in first sc, ch 3, skip 2 sts, 1 sc in next 3 sc, ch 3, *skip 2 sc, (1 dc, ch 3, 1 dc) in the next sc, ch 3* repeat from * to *. Skip 2 sc, 1 dc in the last 2 sc.
Row 6: Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc), 3 dc in space between 1st and 2nd dc of row below. Ch 3, 1 sc in 2nd sc of 3sc group, ch 3, skip next ch 3 sp, 7 dc in next ch 3 sp, ch 3, skip last ch 3 sp, 4 dc in sp between last dc and t-ch sp. Turn.
***Corrected instructions for rows 5 & 6:
Row 5: Ch 3, 1 dc in first sc, ch 3, skip 2 sts, 1 sc in next 3 sc, ch 3, skip 2 sc, (1 dc, ch 3, 1 dc) in the next sc, ch 3, skip 2 sc, 1 sc in the next 3 sts, ch 3, skip 2 sc, 1 dc in each of the last 2 sc.

Row 6: Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc), 3 dc in space between 1st and 2nd dc of row below. Ch 3, 1 sc in 2nd sc of 3 sc group, ch 3, skip next ch 3 sp, 7 dc in next ch 3 sp, ch 3, 1 sc in 2nd sc of  next 3 sc group, ch 3,  skip last ch 3 sp, 4 dc in sp between last dc and t-ch sp. Turn.
Row 7: Ch 1, 1 sc in next 4 dc, ch 5, skip next 2 ch 3 sps, 1 sc in next 7 dc, ch 5, skip next 2 ch 3 sps, 1 sc in last 3 dc, 1 sc in top of t-ch. Turn.
Row 8: Ch 1, 1 sc in first sc, ch 3, (1 dc, ch 3, 1 dc) in 3rd ch of next ch 5 sp, ch 3, skip 2 sc of next 7 sc group, 1 sc in next 3 sc, ch 3, (1 dc, ch 3, 1 dc) in 3rd ch of last ch 5 sp, ch 3, skip 2 sc of last 4 sc group, 1 sc in last sc. Turn.
Row 9: Ch 4, skip 1st ch 3 sp, 7 dc in ch-3 sp between dc, ch 3, 1 sc in 2nd sc of 3 sc group, ch 3, skip next ch sp, 7 dc in next ch sp between dc, ch 3, skip last ch sp, 1 sc in last sc. Turn.
Row 10: Ch 3, 1 sc in next 7 dc, ch 5, 1 sc in next 7 dc, ch 2, 1 sc in first ch of beg ch 4 of row below. Turn.
Row 11: Ch 5 (counts as 1 dc and t-ch), 1 dc in first sc, ch 3, skip 2 sc, 1 sc in next 3 sc, ch 3, (1 dc, ch 3, 1 dc) in 3rd ch of next ch 5 sp, ch 3, (1 dc, ch 3, 1 dc) in 1st ch of t-ch of row below. Turn.
***Corrected instructions for row 11:
Row 11: Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc), 1 dc in first sc, ch 3, skip 2 sc, 1 sc in next 3 sc, ch 3, (1 dc, ch 3, 1 dc) in 3rd ch of next ch 5 sp, ch 3, skip 1 sc, 1 sc in next 3 sc, skip 2 sc, 1 sc in next sc, ch 3, 2 dc in top ch of t-ch of row below. Turn.
Rows 12-23:  Repeat rows 6-11 two times.
Rows 24-28: Repeat rows 6-10.
Row 29:  Ch 5 (counts as 1 dc and ch 1), skip 2 sc, 1 sc in next 3 sc, ch 2, 2 sc in 3rd ch of next ch 5 sp, ch 2, skip 2 sc, 1 sc in next 3 sc, ch 2, 1 dc in 1st ch of t-ch of row below. Turn.
Row 30: Ch 1, 1 sc in each stitch across. Turn. (18)
Row 31: Ch 1, 1 sc in each sc across. Turn. (18)

Form button holes:
Row 32: Ch 1, 1 sc in next 3 sc, ch 4 (or however many chains you need to fit around your button), skip next 3 sc, 1 sc in next 6 sc, ch 4, skip next 3 sc, sc in next 3 sc.
Finish off and weave in ends.

Sew on the 2 small buttons to correspond with the button holes.



  1. Shared this one on google. Love the bracelet. I will make one soon for sure. Great idea to use fanstitch.

  2. Very nice Cuff I may just have to hook one of these for a friend.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Super awesome pattern! Will start this bracelet tomorrow; only problem is WHAT COLOR?? LOL! Guess I'll solve my own problem & stitch a dozen! Wish me luck! :)

    1. Thanks, Kristen!
      I didn't have the color dilemma, myself, because I only had one color thread at the time. lol
      I'd LOVE to see it in different colors! Feel free to post a pic on my Facebook page when you are finished! :-)

  4. I'll do that! And I'll post on Ravelry, where I found the pattern. My username is crochetmommie. I'm going back to Ravelry & friend you, because you're so nice! Hope you do the same!! :)

  5. Love the design. I am trying to make it but I am having trouble with row 5 and 6. I cannot get it to work right. Can you please clarify the rounds for me.

    1. Hi! I'm not sure which point, exactly, you are having trouble with. If you can email me with details, I'd love to help you. :-) You can click the contact me tab on the left. :-)

      If this is a pattern that you printed out a few weeks ago, there was a typo which I have since fixed, so if you double check the instructions on your printed sheet vs. the ones here now, that MIGHT help solve the problem.

      Honestly, this stitch was a bit challenging for me at first, but after a couple of times with trial and error, I got it down. :-)
      Please feel free to email me and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks!

  6. hi! i printed this pattern the beginning of november and have been excited to use it. i'm having problems with steps 5 and 6 and i don't know how else to reach you. i've double and triple checked what i printed vs. what's on the page and it all matches.

      I figured out what the problem was... I accidentally copied my rough draft with all of the mistakes, instead of the final draft of the pattern. I REALLY messed it up! I'm so sorry!
      I think it is finally fixed, now. I just re-worked it again and made the corrections as I worked it. If you spot any more problems, please let me know. Turns out row 11 was wrong, too. :-/

  7. thank you soooo much! I can't wait to try it again! thank you for taking the time to fix it!

    1. Thank you for bringing it to my attention! I can't believe how much I messed up the pattern! *embarrassed* I worked it through (with many interruptions from my 3 youngest), and it came out for me, but if you see any mistakes please let me know. :-)

  8. I love your bracelet. It would look very sophisticated in black, or gold, too.

  9. This is gorgeous, Susie! I love the stitch pattern for this. It would make a lovely shawl or even a scarf, too. Thanks for sharing at Hookin On Hump Day!


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