Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award

Thank you Sharla from The House at Bluebird Lane for nominating me for The Versatile Blogger Award!!!
If you've never visited Sharla's blog, I encourage you to do so. She shares some yummy-looking recipes, awesome DIY projects, and her photography is incredible!

Here are the rules if you choose to accept this award:
  1. Grab the Versatile Blogger button. 
  2. Thank the person who nominated you.  
  3. Include a link to their blog. 
  4. Share 7 things about yourself. 
  5. Pass along the love! Nominate 15 of your favorite blogs. 
  6. Inform each nominee with a comment on their blog. 
  7. In the same post include this set of rules.

Seven Things About Me:
  1. I feel very lucky to be able to be a homeschooling, SAHM of 6. I love the lifestyle we chose, and I can't imagine doing it any other way.
  2. I like to build things/put things together. Whenever we have furniture that needs assembling or shelves to hang, I get to do it! One of these days, I hope to learn to build an outdoor brick bbq pit.
  3. I like listening to music. The Traveling Wilburys is one of my favorite groups. I can listen to their CDs over and over without getting tired of it. (I'm listening to one right now.)
  4. I have a sweet tooth. Not a normal sweet tooth... I mean a SWEET TOOTH
  5. I love to bake. Cookies, cakes, breads, rolls, just about anything.
  6. I can't draw. Really. It's bad. My 5 year old draws better than I do.
  7. I don't like shoe shopping. If I had to choose comfort or style, comfort will win every time. Well, if I had a special event, I'd go for style, but they would still have to be comfortable... but that would mean the shoe shopping would take longer. *sigh
15 blogs that I am nominating (in no particular order):



  1. So excited. Thank you so much for nominating me! :)

  2. Congrats! And thanks so much for nominating me! I have a sweet tooth too, but I'm trying to get it under control. :)

  3. Congratulations on your award. thanks so much for this honor. I loved reading the 7 things about you. We have a lot in common ;) Looking forward to seeing more of your projects/food.

  4. Why thank you for choosing me amongst your list of awesome bloggers there!!


  5. You're sweet :) Thank you so much for the award!!

  6. You all are welcome. ;-)
    I really enjoy your blogs!!! I wanted to choose some of the ones that I find fun and inspiring, and each one of you fit the bill!


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