Wednesday, April 11, 2012

No Kid Hungry

When I think of children going hungry, I think of some third-world country where people live in deplorable conditions because their government is neglectful, abusive, and doesn't care. You know, the places where our country (and others) send aid to try to help... Countries that the Feed the Children Fund show in their commercials. It is heartbreaking.

Do you know what else is heartbreaking? There are children just like that in MY country. That's right.
Right here in the United States of America!
1 in 5 children in America are at risk of hunger.
That is unacceptable.

Lately, I've seen a lot of ads on the Food Network for No Kid Hungry, so I went to their site to learn more.
If you cannot donate financially, you can still act to spread the word. Go to their site and click the heading "Act Now". Help spread awareness and help end child hunger in America.
And be sure to watch Hunger Hits Home Saturday, April 14 at 8pm eastern and pacific, and 7pm central. 

Please, take the pledge today.


I believe that no child in America should go hungry. By pledging today, I add my voice to the national movement of people committed to ending childhood hunger in America.
I pledge to do more than I ever thought I could to help children gain access to the healthy food they need to grow and thrive.
I will help make the invisible hunger visible for my neighbors, my family, and our local, state, and national leaders.
By uniting my voice with thousands of others, I believe that we can make No Kid Hungry a reality.


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