Monday, April 2, 2012

Crochet Plaid Blanket (Free Pattern)

A couple of weeks ago, I told you all about my next crochet project. I thought it would take me about a month to finish, but after about a billion, "Moooommm... is it finished yet???" 's, I put it into high gear, and got it finished up.
My 7 year old's plaid blanket:

I've never crocheted in plaid before, and this was a lot of fun to make. I learned a lot too. Like make sure I count my stitches every few rows just to be sure I didn't accidentally add a stitch... this could make things very difficult later on!

Click the link below to view the pattern.



  1. I'm amazed!!! I've never seen anything like this!! I'll have to give it a try - looks like fun! Thank you so much for the idea and pattern

    1. I'[m glad you like it! It was a lot of fun to make! And really fun to try something new! :-)

  2. I have been dying for a good plaid blanket pattern. This looks wonderful!

  3. I didn't see anywhere how many skeins you used. Please let me know. Thanks, the blanket looks beautiful. Char

  4. Thanks Anonymous I was wondering the same thing.

  5. Hi! I honestly don't remember how many I used of each color. I am almost certain that it was less than 2 skeins of each, as I did have a little left over of each color. I hope that helps! :-)

  6. Wow, did not know this was even possible. I am 62 and have crocheted off and on since I was 18. I have never seen anything like this. As soon as my Christmas rush of gift making is over, I am going to have to try this. The vertical lines look a little scary. Hope I can make it work. Thanks for the pattern. Carol

    1. Hi Carol,
      I was surprised to come across the technique, myself! I knew I just HAD to try it! The vertical lines are surprisingly easy once you get through the first one or 2. For me, the tricky part was making sure I stayed consistent with the stitch count on the base/net part. All in all, it was really fun to make!

  7. Thank you for the pattern, it is very pretty and unique. Just as Anonymous, I too will try to make one after Christmas.

  8. Greetings! Love the pattern! I have a question about the very first row. I'm unclear, from the directions whether there is a chain 1 between each dc, skip one chain. The asterisk sign is after 'chain 1' in the directions, so it is not clear whether 'repeat across' is supposed to include the chain 1. It would make sense as the next row requires a chain one space to keep the net pattern even. Am I being clear? :-) Thanks!

    1. Hi!
      OOPS! So sorry! That IS a typo on my part. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I will fix it. :-)

  9. Thank you for suck a beautiful pattern! I am modifying the the instructions to make a four colored Buffalo Plaid afghan. The only difficulty I am having is getting the vertical stripe to come out right. When you attach the stripe on the foundation row, do you attach with a slip knot or square knot? The when doing the chain, you insert the hook from the front to the back, then yarn over and pull up a loop, then *insert hook front to back again then yo, pull up a loop* then repeat from *? Any other insight you have be great appreciated. Thanks again, Jim.

    1. Hi.
      You attach the yarn for the vertical stripe with a slip knot.
      And yes. You explained the method to make the stripe correctly. When you pull the loop through, just make sure you are also pulling it through the loop on the hook as well (making a slip stitch).
      I'd love to see a pic when you are finished! Feel free to share on my facebook page. :-)


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